Moily wants high-powered panel to look into air pollution issue

M Veerappa Moily

Hyderabad: Former Union Environment Minister M Veerappa Moily Tuesday pitched for constitution of a high-powered committee of experts to suggest a roadmap to deal with the air pollution problem in Delhi.

Besides, the panel should comprise representatives – experts and not bureaucracts – from the Delhi government, the Centre and the States around the national capital, the senior Congress leader said. This committee should prepare a roadmap on how to deal with the issue, the former Karnataka Chief Minister said.

The Centre and the Delhi government should work hand-in-hand, Moily added. Delhi’s air quality turned severe on Tuesday morning, witnessing the worst pollution of the season as stubble burning in neighbouring states intensified.

“Absolutely bad,” Moily said on the stubble burning issue. “Mere banning is not enough, they will have to adopt new technologies to burn it without affecting the environment,” he told PTI. The Centre, Moily said, should take interest in addressing the issue.

“If you allow things to go on like this, without taking care and without taking appropriate steps, this will be the result. This shows negligence both on the part of the State government and the Central government,” he alleged.