‘Super Deluxe’ is about life’s lessons, says Vijay Sethupathi

‘I don’t want to prove myself to anybody. Neither I believe in running the rat race nor box office results. I feel it a privilege to be part of the film industry,’ says actor Vijay Sethupathi. Super Deluxe, starring Vijay Sethupathi, will hit the screens 29 March. Directed by Thiagarajan Kumararaja, it also stars Samantha, Ramya Krishnan and Fahad Fazil, among others. Speaking about the film, VS says, ‘Super Deluxe is a movie about life. It speaks about five different people. It throws light on that one fine day in their lives which teaches each one of them a lesson that changes the course of their life’.

Excerpts from his interview:

Q:Why did you accept Super Deluxe?

A: I did not accept the movie just because I was given the role of a transperson. The way it was written impressed me. Once I heard the story, I pleaded with Thiagarajan Kumararaja to give the role without any second thoughts. And I always wanted to work with him. I play Shilpa, who is simple and pure. How she gets wisdom in life forms the crux of the story.

Q: Do you believe in doing homework before your shoot?

A: I am no method actor. I never believe one should do homework. I be myself as my behaviour dictates. My character has certain traits which I try to bring out. My formula keeps changing. I want to explore new things in acting. I learn it through my characters, directors and co-artistes.

Q: On playing transperson in Super Deluxe…

A: Womanhood is wonderful. Every woman dresses herself as a queen. To play a transwoman, it took one-and-half hours every day for make-up. I have to change my body language as a result of which I felt pain in my back. The way the transgenders are neglected in society has left a scar in their heart. When you are seen as bad by your fellow beings, it pains the individual a lot. I understood it playing a transwoman. It is not their mistake. Personally, I always respect everyone.

Q: What is acting according to you?

A: You love cinema and that is why you are into acting. Your characters will get what they want from you. I learnt it portraying Shilpa. When I unwind myself and approached the character as if I know nothing, it came out well with a new dimension. An actor should not try to impress anyone through his films. He should just do his role. Dedicate yourself to the character, the end product will be amazing. Kumararaja is not an egoist. He is a hard worker, who wants to get the best from his artistes. Perfection is just a perception. We give our best and not strive for perfection.

Q: Why is that you are doing many films simultaneously?

A: It is not how often you see people. It is about what you give the audience. If you dish out a film that would please them, they will love you forever. I simply go by the story. If I like it, I do it. In case of a failure, it helps me analyse the reasons well. Art form should capitalise you and it should not be vice-versa. Everyone should understand that content is the key.

Q: Actor, producer and script writer. What is your next plan?

A: Acting is my passion. I was happy to do a negative role in a movie like Petta. It was a pleasure to know a lot about Rajinikanth. And no doubt Karthik Subbaraj is a wonderful screenplay writer. I am doing a Telugu project and there is one in Malayalam, too. As far as script writing is concerned, I just happened to discuss with my friend Sanjeev some scenes for his film. He was happy with my narration and recorded everything and penned it. As far as my production house is concerned, we are doing a movie, Laabam, with director Jananathan, and another called Chennai Palani Mars. Chennai Palani Mars is a unique story. An man from Chennai goes to Palani and finally dreams of reaching Mars.

Q: On rising crime against women…

A: It is family that teaches a lot to an individual. It should help mould their characters. For crimes against women, strict punishments are needed. Only then there would be fear among those who indulge in such things.

Q: How do you choose ‘unique’ stories?

A: It is very much there around here. You have to just pick it. It is like oxygen in the air. What you choose is what you are. I experienced it over the years. The way we search is the key. A story is good if it impresses me.