2019 Polls: Residents list out demands to Sriperumbudur LS candidates

With the Lok Sabha elections around the corner, candidates from various parties are visiting the neighbourhood, seeking votes with promises for the development of the locality.

However, the residents, too, have come up with their own list of requirements and read them out to the candidates.

Upgradation of Chitlapakkam into Municipality by combining it with Tambaram and nearby panchayats, restoring and preserving water bodies in the localities, permanent solution for the flooding in Chitlapakkam and Mudichur are some of the common points put forth by the residents.

These petitions by the various residents welfare associations were given to the candidates of prominent parties. A few associations have asked the candidates to acknowledge the wishlist and return it duly signed.

The memorandum submitted by the Chitlapakkam Muthulakshmi Nagar Residents Welfare Association listed out issues such as “trains from Tambaram to Bengaluru, speeding up of extension of Metro Rail up to Tambaram and beyond.”

The wishlist given by the Sri Sarvamangala Nagar Residents Welfare Association stressed on points such as implementation of the underground drainage system in Chitlapakkam and Sembakkam which will prevent the Sembakkam lake from getting polluted.

“Repairing the Tambaram Sanatorium subway, which is damaged at present, taking necessary measures to bring down the fares of Metro Rail and complete the Airport to Kilambakkam phase at the earliest, construction of world-class stadium in Tambaram,” are some of the other points in the list.

The petition given by the Chitlapakkam Rising team consists of ensuring e-governance for all government initiatives, implementation of underground cable line for electricity transmission and provide better commuting options.

Bhupathy, a resident of Chitlapakkam, said instead of seeking relief with different petitions and different voices, the residents of Chitlapakkam should stand as one and compile a united petition which will list out all the problems pertaining to the locality. The associations have also been carrying out campaigns asking residents to cast their vote in the coming elections.

Points to be noted
Some of the major issues highlighted by various associations are:
* Recover, restore and rejuvenate waterbodies
* Ensure adequate drinking water supply
* Quick completion of Metro Rail project extension till Kilambakkam
* Upgrade Tambaram from Municipality to Corporation
* Establish a sports stadium at Tambaram.