Goondas Act against Kishore, Rajagopal

Posted on   1:57 pm

Rajagopalan, teacher of PSBB, KK Nagar, arrested for allegedly sexually harassing his students, and social media commentator Kishore K Swamy were booked under the Goondas Act — which will detain them in preventive custody for one year.

WhatsApp, NSDC to fuel skill building for youth

Posted on   1:51 pm

The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and WhatsApp have announced an alliance to launch the Digital Skill Champions Program that aims to train India’s youth on digital skills, in order to make them employment ready.

Healthcare gets technology boost

Posted on   1:48 pm

Providence India is the India entity and the strategic engineering and innovation arm of Providence, a 170-year-old global healthcare not-for-profit organisation.