Dynasty politics prevails in Tamilnadu, says Modi

Chennai: ‘When a party is run for generations by a family, there is only dynasty, not dynamics. Starting from Jammu and Kashmir, where there are two parties run by two separate families, you can see similar trend in Haryana, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Tamilnadu. Dynastic politics is biggest enemy of democracy,’ Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said.

In an interview to ANI, Modi said, ‘Earlier visits of foreign guests were only restricted to Delhi. But I do not believe in that. I take them to various places. I took the Chinese President Xi Jinping to Tamilnadu. I took the French President Emmanuel Macron to Uttar Pradesh. I took the then German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Karnataka even when there was a Congress government in the State.’

‘I read the Tamil quote in the United Nations. We feel proud that the world acknowledges that India has the oldest language,’ he stated.

Answering the question that if regional aspirations are promoted then it will threaten the nation’s unity and encourage separatism, the PM said, ‘A nation like India where the social system is full of diversity if we manipulate the social justice, then it will harm our country. For this reason, the person from even from the most marginalized section of the society should get the opportunity for development. Just like the social justice in the society, the country cannot develop if any part lags behind. We should have a holistic and inclusive development. There should be a development for all.’