Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi on Thursday unfurled the Tricolour in Chennai on the occasion of the 74th Republic Day. The unfurling of the national flag was followed by the national anthem. Indian Air Force helicopters showered the flower petals.The Governor was welcomed by Chief Minister MK Stalin who introduced Ravi to the defence and police personnel.On the occasion of Republic Day, the Tamil Nadu government announced Anna Medals for heroic deeds of five people. They include Saravanan, Chennai head constable, Jayakumar Ponnarasu, Vellore nurse, Anthonysamy of Thoothukudi, Sri Krishnan of Kanniyakumari and Thanjai Selvam. The Chief Minister’s Award was given to three police stations. The first prize was announced for Tirupur North Police Station, the second prize for Tiruchy Fort Police Station, and the third prize for Dindigul Circle Police Station.