Annamalai takes aim at AIADMK’s Shanmugam

In a recent political showdown in Tamil Nadu, K Annamalai, the President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the state, launched a scathing attack on former AIADMK minister CVe Shanmugam. Annamalai accused Shanmugam of being a “vasool” minister, suggesting that he was primarily concerned with collection rather than genuine governance. Annamalai did not mince words, stating, “He remained a minister only to make collection. Their DNA could not be changed. But, what I am doing is straightforward politics, and those like him do not know the meaning of straightforwardness.” This sharp criticism comes in response to remarks made by Shanmugam, the former minister, indicating rising tensions between the BJP and AIADMK. Rather than engaging in a war of words, Annamalai opted to focus on his political agenda. He asserted, “I wish not to reply to his remarks and lower my dignity. He is speaking out of jealousy over BJP’s growth. Huge crowds are turning up for my padayatra.” Annamalai has been actively conducting padayatras (political rallies on foot) across the state, gathering support from the youth and local communities. One of Annamalai’s key claims is that the youth forces in Tamil Nadu have a significant say in determining the state’s political future. He believes that a change of leadership is imminent and that the BJP is well-positioned to challenge for power in the 2026 Assembly polls. Annamalai expressed his confidence in the party’s prospects, stating, “The BJP will come to power in 2026 Assembly polls in the state, and we will not come to power as a ‘B’ team or ‘C’ team. We will have our own principles, and Sanatana Dharma is our lifeline.”