Interactive session with FM at AM Jain College

A.M. Jain College hosted an interactive session with students by Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, at Gyan Bhavan.
The event, themed “Transforming India into a New Decade,” aims to provide students with insights into the economic and financial roadmap for the nation.
Through this initiative, A.M. Jain College is committed to nurturing a generation of informed and forward-thinking individuals, preparing them for success in an ever-changing global economy. ‘Transforming India into a New Decade’ underscores the college’s dedication to academic excellence and fostering a community of learners attuned to the dynamics of the evolving economic landscape.
While responding to students’ questions, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Government of India, outlined crucial aspects. The minister conveyed insights on diverse topics, including the intricate strategies for economic growth. Emphasis was placed on the significance of defense manufacturing in fortifying national security, aligning with the commitment to a self-reliant India.
Addressing inquiries about MSMEs, the minister underscored their pivotal role as growth engines, fostering innovation, and contributing significantly to employment. Delving into startups, the minister highlighted their transformative impact, acknowledging their ability to drive innovation and shape the dynamic landscape of India’s evolving economy
Dr. M.M. Ramya, Dean, A.M. Jain College, said, “The opportunity to engage in an interaction with Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman is a momentous occasion for A.M. Jain College. We are proud to be part of a conversation that delves into the transformative initiatives that will shape India’s future. Such interactions contribute immensely to our academic environment, offering students a unique perspective on the nation’s economic trajectory and inspiring them to be proactive contributors to India’s growth story.”