In a significant development, K. Kavitha, the daughter of BRS chief K. Chandrashekar Rao, was arrested on Friday after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted a raid at her residence in Hyderabad. The arrest is linked to the ongoing investigation into the Delhi liquor policy case, which has garnered widespread attention in recent weeks.
Following the raid, Kavitha, who is also a Member of the Legislative Council (MLC) for BRS, was taken into custody by ED officials. She is set to be brought to Delhi for further questioning as the probe into the alleged irregularities in the liquor policy unfolds.
Reports indicate that tensions escalated during the raid when an argument ensued between ED officials and Kavitha’s brother, KTR, who is also a prominent BRS leader. KTR alleged that the ED produced an “illegal arrest warrant” against Kavitha, leading to a heated exchange between the two parties. However, ED officials urged KTR not to obstruct their investigative efforts, emphasizing the need for cooperation in the execution of their duties.
The arrest of Kavitha marks a significant development in the ongoing investigation into the Delhi liquor policy case, which has been under scrutiny for alleged discrepancies and violations.
As the investigation progresses, all eyes will be on the ED’s findings and any subsequent legal proceedings that may follow.
Meanwhile, the BRS leadership has yet to issue an official statement regarding Kavitha’s arrest and the allegations leveled against her.