Fake Pegasus spyware’s misuse surges on Dark Web: Researchers

Cyber-security researchers on Thursday warned about the widespread misuse of fake Pegasus spyware on the Dark Web where hackers are leveraging the name of Pegasus for financial gains.

Following Apple’s recent notification to users in 92 countries about a ‘mercenary spyware’ attack, homegrown cybersecurity firm CloudSEK carried out an in-depth investigation.

They found a widespread misuse of Israel-based company NSO’s Pegasus spyware’s name.

The findings serve “as an advisory against scammers and threat actors who are exploiting the growing recognition of NSO Group’s renowned product, Pegasus, for their fraudulent purposes,” the researchers noted.

The researchers analysed approximately 25,000 posts on Telegram, many of which claimed to sell authentic Pegasus source code.