Make Tamil compulsory medium of instruction in schools: Ramadoss

PMK founder Dr. S Ramadoss has criticized the Tamil Nadu government’s claims of implementing numerous schemes for the development of the Tamil language, arguing that these efforts lack substance without making Tamil the compulsory medium of instruction in educational institutions.

Speaking on Sunday, Dr. Ramadoss contended that the schemes highlighted by the state government, such as translating books and funding the establishment of Tamil chairs in universities, were pre-existing initiatives and did not represent new or substantial efforts to promote the Tamil language.

“The Tamil Nadu government’s claim that it had implemented many schemes for the development of the Tamil language cannot be considered real without taking steps to make it the compulsory medium of instruction in educational institutions,” Dr. Ramadoss stated.

He advocated for a phased approach to make Tamil a compulsory medium of instruction, beginning with schools. “Tamil should be made compulsory until graduation. In the first phase, Tamil should be made a compulsory medium of instruction in schools,” he emphasized.

He insists that real development can only be achieved by ensuring that students are educated in Tamil throughout their academic journey, thereby strengthening the language’s presence and use in everyday life.