DOTE announces counselling procedures for TNEA-2024

The Directorate of Technical Education (DOTE) has outlined the counselling procedures for Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions (TNEA-2024). Following the registration phase, which took place from May 6 to June 11, approximately 1.94 lakh students successfully registered and uploaded the required documents, a senior DOTE official reported.

Each registered student received a randomly assigned number. Certificate verification, a crucial step in the process, is being conducted both online and in-person and will continue until June 30. The merit list, which is eagerly awaited by the students, will be released on July 10. However, due to delays in academic schedules by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), specific dates for the counselling rounds have not yet been finalized.

The counselling process will be conducted online and will span three rounds. Candidates will participate in these rounds based on their ranks. Each round will encompass stages such as choice filling, allotment, confirmation, reporting to the college, and fee payment upon confirmation. The allocation of seats will be determined by a combination of choice preferences, rank, community, and seat availability.

Key steps in the counselling process include:

Choice Filling: Candidates will list their preferred colleges and courses.
Allotment: Based on preferences and merit, seats will be allotted.
Confirmation: Candidates must confirm their allotted seats within 2 days.
Reporting and Fee Payment: Upon confirmation, candidates must report to the respective college and complete the fee payment.
Failure to confirm an allotted seat within the stipulated 2-day period will result in the forfeiture of the seat, and the candidate will be moved to the next round. According to DOTE guidelines, candidates who are unsatisfied with their allotted seats and decline them are not required to participate in subsequent rounds.

The detailed schedule for the counselling rounds will be announced soon, pending updates from AICTE. Students and parents are advised to stay updated through official DOTE announcements and the TNEA portal.