Trade unions temporarily suspend transport strike

Chennai, Jan 11: In a significant development, trade unions representing State Transport undertakings have decided to call off their two-day-old indefinite strike, temporarily putting on hold their protest until January 19. This decision comes in response to the Madras High Court’s plea to suspend the strike and engage in conciliatory talks.
The unions’ move reflects a consideration for the general public, especially during the upcoming Pongal festival, where many rely on public transport for their travel needs. The suspension aims to alleviate the potential hardships faced by citizens during this festive period.
A Soundararajan, the president of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) in the state, stated, “We have decided to suspend the strike. Let us see what the government has to say after the Pongal. After January 19th, we will continue other forms of protest if the talks fail to yield desired results. If needed, after giving due time, we will resort to a strike again.”
This strategic decision to temporarily halt the strike emphasizes the unions’ willingness to engage in dialogue and find a resolution to their concerns. The specified date of January 19 marks the timeline for anticipated conciliatory talks between the unions and the government.
As the transportation sector plays a crucial role in the daily lives of citizens, the outcome of these talks holds significance not only for the workers but also for the general populace relying on public transport services.
The forthcoming weeks will witness heightened anticipation as stakeholders closely observe the developments in the conciliatory talks scheduled for January 19.