Cause for concern 

Noting the reality of power shifts in the Indo-Pacific, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar referred to China and said that it is a cause for concern when a country does not observe written agreements with a neighbour. Prticipating in the first Raisina Roundtable in Tokyo, Jaishankar said there are political and strategic consequences of “very big shifts” in capabilities, influence, and ambitions of nations in the Indo-Pacific and one has to “deal with that reality”.

Illustrating New Delhi’s own situation vis-a-vis China, he said for nearly 45 years, there was no bloodshed on the India-China border but things changed in 2020. And today… we can disagree on many things, but when a country, sort of, does not observe written agreements with a neighbour, then I think you have cause for concern, because it then raises a question mark about the stability of the relationship, and frankly, about intentions,” EAM Jaishankar said in response to a question.

He acknowledged that with shifting global dynamics, India’s balance with other countries is changing as well and the challenge lies in creating “new equilibriums in a less frictional manner”.