Hail India’s diplomacy

The end of the Russia-Ukraine war remains elusive, defying initial expectations of a swift resolution. Amidst escalating tensions, a CNN report made a shocking revelation: Russia had contemplated a nuclear attack on Ukraine. However, interventions by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other world leaders prevented this catastrophic escalation.

According to reports, concerns of a potential nuclear confrontation arose in 2022, prompting the Biden administration to brace for a Russian nuclear assault. Amidst fears of devastation, PM Modi’s diplomatic outreach emerged as a crucial factor in defusing the crisis. The report cites two senior US officials affirming that PM Modi’s intervention, alongside other global leaders, played a pivotal role in averting the looming nuclear threat.

In response to escalating tensions, the US administration rallied support from multiple nations, including India, to dissuade Russia from resorting to nuclear aggression. By engaging with leaders whose counsel Vladimir Putin valued, such as PM Modi, the international community succeeded in averting a potentially catastrophic nuclear crisis over Ukraine.