Pastor arrested for sexual abuse of minor

Kancheepuram district police have arrested S. Devairakkam, a 54-year-old church pastor, under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act for allegedly sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl who was staying at the church.
The girl’s father, who works as a gardener at the church, would have his daughter stay with him at his workplace. It was during these times that the pastor allegedly assaulted her. The victim, a class 9 student at a local government school, confided in her relatives about the abuse, leading to a complaint being lodged with the Chief Minister’s cell. The complaint was subsequently forwarded to the Kancheepuram police for further action.
The Kancheepuram All Women Police Station conducted a thorough investigation and arrested Devairakkam. He was then produced before a magistrate and remanded to judicial custody.