How to keep children engaged this summer vacation

Chennai, Apr 29: As the temperatures soar and outdoor activities become challenging, parents may find themselves wondering how to keep their children entertained during the summer vacation. While outdoor adventures might be limited, there are still plenty of exciting and enriching activities to engage children indoors. Speaking to News Today, Gayathri, a child counsellor, gives ideas to spark creativity, learning, and fun without having to brave the scorching heat
Arts and Crafts Extravaganza: Set up a dedicated arts and crafts station at home with a variety of supplies such as paints, markers, colored paper, glue, and beads. Encourage children to let their imaginations run wild and create masterpieces they can proudly display.
Cooking and Baking Adventures: Get kids involved in the kitchen by teaching them simple recipes they can prepare with supervision. From baking cookies to assembling colorful fruit salads, cooking together can be a deliciously entertaining way to spend time indoors.
Indoor Camping: Bring the camping experience indoors by setting up a makeshift tent or fort in the living room. Children can cozy up with blankets and pillows, and tell stories by flashlight
Movie Marathon: Host a movie marathon featuring your child’s favorite films or introduce them to classic movies from your own childhood. Set up a cozy viewing area complete with snacks and let the cinematic adventure begin.
Virtual Museum Tours: Take advantage of technology by exploring virtual museum tours from around the world. Many museums offer online exhibits and interactive experiences that allow children to discover art, history, and culture from the comfort of home.
Storytelling Sessions: Encourage children to unleash their storytelling talents by organizing storytelling sessions. They can create their own stories or act out their favorite tales using props and costumes for added excitement.
Board Games and Puzzles: Dust off the board games and puzzles and enjoy some old-fashioned family fun. Whether it’s a competitive game of Monopoly or a collaborative puzzle-solving session, these timeless activities are sure to entertain for hours on end.
Gardening and Plant Care: Teach children about nature and responsibility by involving them in gardening and plant care activities. They can help plant seeds, water plants, and watch with delight as their garden grows over the summer months.