Safety first 

Posted on   11:37 am

The recent tragic fire in Kuwait, which claimed the lives of several Indian workers, has once again cast a harsh light on the precarious conditions faced by migrant laborers in the Gulf region.

Safety first

Posted on   12:15 pm

Singapore, often lauded for its exemplary handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, is facing a new challenge as cases begin to surge once again. Health Minister

Safety first

Posted on   10:38 am

UNICEF India released the agency’s global flagship report “lThe State of the World’s Children 2023: For Every Child, Vaccination, highlighting the significance of childhood immunisation.According to Cynthia McCaffrey, UNICEF India Representative, World’s Children 2023 report highlights India as one of the countries with the highest vaccine confidence in the world,

Safety first

Posted on   9:46 am

China is witnessing yet another Covid-19 wave. The current surge in Covid-19 infections in China is believed to be driven by Omicron sub-variant BF.7. Four cases of the BF.7 variant have been detected in India, so far.

Safety first

Posted on   11:36 am

Industrialist Cyrus Mistry’s death in a car accident has brought road safety under the glare of the national spotlight.

Safety first

Posted on   12:28 pm

A few days ago, NCR had reported a suspected case of monkeypox in Ghaziabad. A 5-year-old girl’s samples were sent for testing to ICMR NIV Pune to detect if she was infected by monkeypox