History repeats… in the reverse

Posted on   5:33 pm

If the world rotates and revolves, so too should history. Indeed, ‘history repeats’ may be the most abused of cliches, but the unfolding history of the world, though in many ways an encore of sorts, departs from the familiar textbook script in one important aspect: Reversal of roles. Call it ‘Reverse Colonialism’ or ‘Inverted Imperialism’

An Officer and a Policeman

Posted on   5:28 pm

Among the major democracies of the world, the concept of an independent civil service is unique to India. Though the policies and programmes are set by the party in power, their implementation according to the rules is vested wholly with the bureaucracy.

When Bharat is not India

Posted on   3:11 pm

When India committed itself to a secular dispensation, by a combination of constitutional dictum and political rhetoric, the understanding that the well-meaning majority imbibed was this: that those who followed other faiths are free to do so.

When even sandal turns scandal

Posted on   10:50 am

In TN, Periyar is a touchy topic. One is supposed to touch upon the subject only in reverential tones, while even the slightest touch of a critique of him automatically evokes wild reactions. The long departed leader himself might have advocated rationalism as the touchstone of his ideology