Govt allows export of 99,150 tonnes of onion to 6 countries

New Delhi, Apr 29: The government has allowed the export of 99,150 metric tonnes of onion to six countries — Bangladesh, UAE, Bhutan, Bahrain, Mauritius and Sri Lanka, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs said on Saturday.

A ban has been imposed on onion export to ensure adequate domestic availability and keep prices in check as the output of both the Kharif and Rabi crops in 2023-24 are estimated to be lower as compared to the previous year and demand has increased in the international market.

The National Cooperative Exports Limited (NCEL), the agency for export of onion to these countries, sourced the domestic onions to be exported through e-platform at L1 prices and supplied to the agencies nominated by the government of the destination country at the negotiated rate on 100 per cent advance payment basis, according to the Food Ministry statement.