Time to act

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a dire warning, stating that Gaza is “becoming a graveyard for children.” He emphasized that the situation in Gaza is not just a humanitarian crisis but a crisis of humanity itself. Guterres stressed the urgent need for a ceasefire, highlighting its increasing necessity with every passing hour.

Guterres made a plea not only to the parties involved in the conflict but also to the international community. He urged them to address the collective suffering and significantly expand humanitarian aid to Gaza. The scale of human suffering demands immediate attention.

During the Israel-Hamas war, 89 staff members of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have tragically lost their lives. The toll on UN aid workers is unprecedented, with more casualties in recent weeks than ever before in the organization’s history. This loss is deeply felt within the UNRWA community, with 26 members sustaining injuries.