What is the basis of your understanding of Sanatana Dharma? HC asks Udhayanidhi

Madras High Court has directed Tamil Nadu’s sports minister, Udhayanidhi Stalin, to provide details regarding the research that underpinned his controversial speech concerning the eradication of principles associated with Sanatana Dharma. 

Justice Anitha Sumanth also sought clarification from Stalin about the basis of his understanding of Sanatana Dharma and the research that informed his equating of Varnashrama Dharma with Sanatana Dharma.
The court further instructed Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin to submit a typed copy of the text of his speech that had generated significant controversy.
The legal proceedings transpired as part of a plea filed against Udhayanidhi Stalin, State minister PK Sekarbabu, and Member of Parliament (MP) A Raja by the Hindu Munnani, an organization that sought their removal from public office.
The controversy stemmed from a speech made by Udhayanidhi Stalin on September 2 at a conference organised by the Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers Artists Association in Chennai. In his speech, he mentioned that certain aspects should not just be opposed but eradicated, likening them to diseases like dengue, mosquitoes, malaria, and coronavirus. He specifically referred to the need to “eradicate Sanatana,” which led to widespread outrage.
Office bearers of the Hindu Munnani subsequently filed three writ petitions before the High Court, objecting to Stalin’s remarks. They sought the issuance of a writ of quo warranto, demanding an explanation from Stalin, Sekarbabu, and A Raja regarding the authority by which they continued to hold public office, given their participation in a conference advocating the annihilation of Sanatana Dharma.
During the court proceedings, Senior Counsel P Wilson, representing Udhayanidhi Stalin, argued that the writ was not maintainable because Stalin had not violated his oath of office. He further contended that Stalin had only called for the eradication of certain problematic principles within Sanatana Dharma, specifically referencing the ‘Varnashrama dharma,’ which pertains to duties performed based on the four varnas or class and caste-based divisions.
Wilson also pointed out that Udhayanidhi Stalin’s views were not entirely new, citing Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s similar calls for the eradication of the Varnashrama Dharma. He explained that much of the content in Ambedkar’s speeches, calling for the elimination of the caste divide, and Stalin’s speech on Sanatana Dharma were rooted in a proprietary text published by the Banaras Hindu University between 1902 and 1937.
The court then directed Wilson to submit a copy of the invitation cards for the Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers Artists Association conference where Stalin delivered the controversial speech in September, along with a typed copy of the speech text.