Chennai Division of SR records increase in revenue

Chennai, Jan 29: The Southern Railways’ Chennai division, under the able leadership of Divisional Railway Manager B. Vishwanath Eerya, has showcased a commendable financial performance by registering a 4.7% increase in revenue. As of December 31, 2023, the division has recorded a total revenue of Rs 3236.56 crore, marking significant growth compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
 B. Vishwanath Eerya highlighted these achievements during the Republic Day celebrations held at the RPF Ground in Ayanavaram, Chennai, underscoring the noteworthy progress made by the Chennai division.
One of the key contributors to this financial success is the daily movement of approximately 1.5 million passengers within the Chennai division. This high volume of passenger traffic indicates the vital role the railways play in serving the transportation needs of the region.
Furthermore, the loading performance of the Chennai division has been exemplary, with a notable achievement of 7.413 million tonnes during the fiscal year 2023-24 till December 2023. This loading performance reflects the efficiency and operational excellence of the Southern Railways’ Chennai division in handling and transporting goods.