HD Kumaraswamy in Modi 3.0 Cabinet

HD Kumaraswamy, the leader of the Janata Dal (Secular) and former Chief Minister of Karnataka, was sworn in as a Cabinet Minister in the Modi government today. The ceremony, held at Rashtrapati Bhavan, saw President Draupadi Murmu administering the oath of office to Kumaraswamy, alongside other members of the new Cabinet.

The Janata Dal (Secular) contested the recent Lok Sabha elections in alliance with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). This strategic partnership played a crucial role in the electoral dynamics, and Kumaraswamy’s inclusion in the Cabinet reflects the BJP’s commitment to accommodating its allies in key government positions.

HD Kumaraswamy, a prominent figure in Karnataka politics, has served as the Chief Minister of Karnataka in two non-consecutive terms. His leadership and governance experience have been instrumental in shaping the state’s political landscape.