A 22-year-old medical intern, Charumathi from Kallakurichi, attempted suicide by consuming poison at the government medical college hospital in Asaripallam, Nagercoil. She was found unconscious in her hostel room and is currently receiving treatment at the hospital. Preliminary investigations suggest she had been experiencing mental stress in recent days. Deputy Superintendent of Police Lalith Kumar is conducting further inquiries into the incident.
This incident adds to a series of distressing events involving medical students in Tamil Nadu:
October 2023: A 27-year-old female postgraduate medical student from Tuticorin, studying at a private medical college in Kulasekharam, died by suicide in her hostel room. Her suicide note alleged mental harassment by three professors, including sexual harassment by one. The Tamil Nadu Resident Doctors Association demanded a fair and transparent investigation into the matter.
September 2024: A 23-year-old final-year medical student named Sherley died by suicide at Meenakshi Medical College in Kancheepuram. She reportedly jumped from the fifth floor of her hostel building due to emotional distress.
September 2024: A 20-year-old second-year medical student from Madurai Medical College died by suicide at her home in Virudhunagar after failing an exam. She had been staying at home during semester holidays when the incident occurred.