A wanted criminal, P. Saravanan, also known as ‘Bomb’ Saravanan, was arrested by a police team from Pulianthope police station after an alleged attack on a sub-inspector on Wednesday night. The police shot Saravanan in the leg after he reportedly stabbed the officer with a knife while resisting arrest.
Saravanan, a notorious figure with an “A-plus” category criminal record, had been evading capture for several years. Police said he has been involved in around 33 criminal cases, including six murder charges. During the attempt to apprehend him, Saravanan reportedly attacked the sub-inspector with a knife, leading to the police using force and shooting him in the left leg for self-defense. He has since been admitted to Government Stanley Hospital for treatment.
Following the arrest, Saravanan’s wife, Mahalakshmi, a lawyer, claimed that her husband had not faced any genuine charges in the last 15 years, and only arrest warrants on false cases were pending against him. She also alleged that Saravanan had been detained illegally in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, before his arrest and not produced before a judge within the required 24-hour period.