State champion bodybuilder in Chennai talks about sport

Chennai: Bodybuilding can be cited as a perfect example of self-expression. It requires hundreds of hours of hard work and training to shape your body appear outwardly the way you want to see yourself from the inside.

To know more about the sport, News Today approached State Bodybuilding Champion, R Rajeev. He talks about what goes into making a bodybuilder and gives insights into how he entered the sport and the way he trains.

Rajeev says that the most important aspect of bodybuilding is self-motivation. “If we fix a target, we must be focussed on it. It’s all in the mindset. We have to set our minds to keep pushing ourself. It requires time and patience,” he says.

Talking about his journey into the sport, Rajeev said, “I have been working in a gym for 10 years and I have been into bodybuilding for eight years. But I entered the professional competition just two years back.”

Within a year of entering the sport, he grabbed the first place (60 kg category) in the Mr Tamilnadu 2017 State Bodybuilding Competition conducted by the Tamilnadu Bodybuilding Association.

In the Mr South India 2017 contest conducted by the Indian Bodybuilders Federation, he came second.

Rajeev’s success is moulded by sweat and time. He says that 45 days before every competition, he undergoes intense training for a minimum of five hours every day. “On non-competition days too, I exercise minimum 50 minutes in the morning and night to be competition-ready,” he adds.

The week preceding competition is the toughest, says Rajeev, as bodybuilders go on a water-free diet for 3/4 days for achieving the right shape.

For someone who puts so much effort into bodybuilding, the 28-year-old champ initially did not go to the gym with bodybuilding on his mind. “Like many people, I wanted to reduce weight,” said Rajeev, who was 75 kg when he joined the gym and reduced to 60 kg now.

He said, “Initially, I did not have anyone to guide me and I gained all knowledge through trial and error. It was at this time that I got introduced to Vinod. He was my master. He recognised my potential and encouraged me to go for bodybuilding.”

But today, Rajeev is himself a certified trainer and offers personal training to 16 clients.

Rajeev also advises gym goers to not rely on supplements unless they want to gain muscle within a short time.

He advises them to go for naturally available protein diet like egg white, broccoli, etc. You can reach Rajeev at 98844 35200.