New Delhi: Incumbent Ajay Singh was on Wednesday re-elected the Boxing Federation of India’s President, comprehensively defeating challenger Ashish Shelar in the polls which had an International Boxing Association (AIBA) observer in attendance.
Ajay Singh, also the chairman of Spicejet airlines, prevailed 37-27 in the elections held at a Gurugram hotel. He will have a new secretary general by his side in Assam’s Hemanta Kumar Kalita.
Kalita would be succeeding Maharashtra’s Jay Kowli, who had decided against contesting for the post after extending his support to Shelar ahead of the elections.
An AIBA observer — Yury Zaytsev — was also present to oversee the proceedings along with an observer from the sports ministry.
The elections were originally scheduled for September last year but were postponed twice citing the COVID-19 pandemic.
The matter reached the Delhi High Court last month thanks to a petition filed by the Uttar Pradesh state boxing association.
The BFI eventually set February 3 for the elections and its sixth Annual General Meeting.