Solutions that succeed in India can be easily applied anywhere: Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said India is an ideal testing lab for solutions and underlined that the solutions that succeed in the country can be easily applied anywhere in the world.

In his virtual address at the G20 Digital Economy Working Group Ministers Meet here in the city, the Prime Minister said India’s digital public infrastructure offers a scalable, secure and inclusive solution for global challenges.

“India is an incredibly diverse country. We have dozens of languages and hundreds of dialects. It is home to every religion in the world and innumerable cultural practices. From ancient traditions to the latest technology, India has something for everyone,” Modi said.

With such diversity, India is an ideal testing lab for solution, he said, adding “A solution that succeeds in India can be easily applied anywhere in the world.” Modi told the delegates attending the meet that India is ready to share its experience with the world.