Madras HC summons Vishal

In a significant legal development, the Madras High Court has ordered popular actor Vishal Krishna to appear before the court on September 22, due to his noncompliance with a court order in a civil suit filed by Lyca Productions. The case, which revolves around a substantial loan dispute, has taken a dramatic turn as Vishal faces potential consequences for failing to adhere to the court’s directives. The case was presented before Justice P. T. Asha on a recent Tuesday. However, to the surprise of the court, Vishal’s legal counsel was absent during the proceedings. Additionally, Vishal failed to submit his and his family members’ movable and immovable asset details along with his bank account information, as mandated by the court. This failure to comply with the court’s order prompted the judge to issue a summons for Vishal’s personal appearance in court. The legal saga began when Vishal borrowed a substantial sum of Rs 21.29 crores from Anbu Chezhian of Gopuram Films. When Vishal was unable to repay the loan, Lyca Productions intervened by paying Anbu Chezhian with the understanding that Vishal would reimburse them the entire amount, including interest at a rate of 30 percent per annum. However, despite the agreement, Vishal failed to honor his commitment, leading Lyca Productions to seek legal recourse by approaching the High Court. During the proceedings, the single Judge presiding over the case directed Vishal to make a fixed deposit of Rs. 15 crore in favor of the civil suit.