SLC forms new committee

Colombo, Nov 9: Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) in proactive step to uphold the principles of integrity, transparency, and accountability in the administration of cricket in Sri Lanka on Wednesday formed a new committee for prevention of corruption, malpractices, irregularities, misconduct, and failures safeguarding the autonomy of the institution

“Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) is committed to upholding the principles of integrity, transparency, and accountability in the administration of cricket in Sri Lanka. In line with this commitment, SLC has taken a proactive step to invite respected individuals appointed by the Minister of Sports through a recent gazette notification to form an independent committee,” said the statement,” the SLC statement released on Wednesday read.

The committee will consist S. I. Imam, Retired Supreme Court Judge, Rohini Marasinghe, Retired Supreme Court Judger and Irangani Perera, Retired High Court Judge.