3000 new buses to be procured

In a significant move aimed at enhancing public transportation infrastructure, the Institute of Road Transport (IRT) has launched bids to procure 3000 new buses to replace aging vehicles in the upcoming financial year. This initiative underscores the commitment of the transport sector to modernize its fleet and improve service delivery to commuters across the region.
The tender, comprising two separate notifications, outlines the procurement process for various categories of buses. The first tender calls for the acquisition of 1,138 mofussil buses chassis, with a separate provision for the construction of bus bodies. Simultaneously, another tender notification invites bids from manufacturers for the procurement of 1,190 town chassis and 672 fully built low-floor buses.
While the breakdown of the allocation of buses among the eight state transport undertakings, including the Metropolitan Transport Corporation, is not yet available, the announcement marks a significant milestone in the government’s efforts to revamp public transportation infrastructure.
Expressing enthusiasm over the development, Phanindra Reddy, Additional Chief Secretary of the Transport Department, took to social media to announce the publication of the tender. Reddy emphasized that the procurement of 3000 new buses aligns with the government’s commitment to replacing aging vehicles, thereby ensuring enhanced efficiency and reliability of public transport services in the coming year.
“As the induction of new buses progresses, the overaged buses will get replaced during the next financial year,” stated Phanindra Reddy, highlighting the cascading effect of this procurement initiative on fleet modernization and service optimization.