Governor urges youth to combat drug menace

In a heartfelt appeal aimed at safeguarding the well-being of Tamil Nadu’s youth, Governor R N Ravi issued a poignant message, imploring young individuals to steer clear of the clutches of narcotic drugs. Expressing grave concern over the escalating drug crisis, Governor Ravi underscored the dire consequences of succumbing to drug abuse, emphasizing its potential to inflict irreparable harm on individuals and families.
“As youths are the primary targets of drug traffickers, parents must remain extra vigilant to detect any signs of substance abuse among their children. I appeal to the youth to distance themselves from such temptations as it will irreversibly damage their lives and families,” stated Governor Ravi, referencing recent interdictions of substantial quantities of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
Venting his anguish, Governor Ravi shed light on the alarming operations of international drug cartels, with significant nodes operating within the state engaged in illegal trafficking. He underscored the highly addictive and destructive nature of these drugs, warning that failure to curb their proliferation would spell doom for future generations and fuel other heinous crimes.
The governor highlighted concerns raised by parents and academic institutions regarding the rampant prevalence of drugs on campuses and in entertainment clubs across the state. While acknowledging the crucial role of enforcement agencies, Governor Ravi stressed the indispensable responsibility of parents and educational institutions in maintaining vigilance against drug abuse.
“The managements of academic institutions bear a special responsibility to ensure that such drugs do not infiltrate their campuses or surrounding areas. It is imperative for the sake of our people and the future of the state that we all unite in the fight against the drug menace,” urged Governor Ravi.

Recalling previous warnings issued by central agencies regarding the presence of modules involved in international drug and arms trafficking, Governor Ravi reiterated the urgent need for collective action to combat this pervasive threat. With a call for full cooperation from all stakeholders, Governor Ravi implored the entire community to join forces in stemming the tide of drug abuse and securing a brighter, drug-free future for Tamil Nadu.