Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin firmly stated that the law and order situation in the state remains strong, citing the continuous flow of investments from industries across the country and abroad as proof.
CM Stalin inspected the construction work of the Kannigapuram Sports Ground in Thiru Vi Ka Nagar, Chennai. Following the inspection, he addressed the media and highlighted various initiatives undertaken by the DMK government for the development of Chennai.
“We have implemented several projects to develop North Chennai into a well-planned and modernized part of the city. I have instructed officials to complete all pending projects within a year,” he said.
The Chief Minister also criticized Tamil Nadu Governor R.N. Ravi, stating that the Governor consistently acts against the government in every issue. However, he remarked that this opposition indirectly benefits the state administration.
“His actions are actually helping us, and we appreciate it. He should continue operating in the same manner, as his moves are only adding more strength to our government,” Stalin remarked sarcastically.
Responding to claims of law and order issues in the state, CM Stalin dismissed them as deliberate attempts to exaggerate isolated incidents.
“There is no need for concern. As far as we are concerned, the law and order situation is excellent. This is precisely why industries from across India and even foreign countries are investing in Tamil Nadu,” he asserted.
Additionally, Stalin made a strong statement against those who speak disrespectfully about Periyar E.V. Ramasamy, stating that such individuals do not deserve respect in return.