50 suburban panchayats to be integrated into Chennai Corporation

The Tamil Nadu government is gearing up to integrate 50 suburban panchayats into the Chennai Corporation, significantly expanding its jurisdiction. Currently, the Chennai Corporation encompasses 200 wards across 15 divisions. With this proposed expansion, the number of wards will increase to 250, and the number of divisions will rise to 20.

The panchayats set to be included in the corporation come from the regions of Tirupporur, Madhavaram, and Ponneri. This strategic integration aims to enhance administrative efficiency and provide better civic amenities to the suburban areas, aligning them more closely with the city’s infrastructure and governance.

This initiative reflects the government’s commitment to improving urban governance and ensuring that suburban regions benefit from the resources and services available within the Chennai Corporation’s jurisdiction. The move is anticipated to streamline administrative processes and foster uniform development across the expanded area.

The integration process is currently underway and is expected to be officially announced by the end of the year.