Chennai: With the Madras High Court shooting down government arguments that it cannot provide land in Marina for the cremation of DMK leader Karunanidhi, emotional scenes were witnessed at Rajaji Hall, where his body has been kept for the public to pay their last respects.
Hearing the news, Karunanidhi’s son M K Stalin folded his arms in thanks and then broke down. He was comforted by party leaders and his half-sister and MP Kanimozhi.
“Onguga, Onguga, Kaliagnar Pugazh Onguga, (High praise to Karunanidhi),” screamed the cadres who had gathered at the hall after the announcement was made over the public address system.
DMK leader and former minister Durai Murugan recalled what Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan said about Karunanidhi – that he was a born fighter. Durai Murugan said Karunanidhi has fought and won even after his death.