Traffic police assaulted by violator

Chennai: Rajesh, a traffic head constable is under going treatment for several injuries on his face after he was assaulted by a traffic violator near Central Station.

According to the police, the victim serves in Flower Bazaar traffic department and was on duty checking on helmet-less drivers at Stanley Viaduct bridge opposite Central Station.

At 10.40 pm, Vinod (33), a driver for a medical shop and resident of Walltax Road, Elephant Gate was coming out of the Government Hospital gate without wearing a helmet on a two-wheeler.

Rajesh stopped him and asked him to show his vehicle documents. Vinod began shouting at him using foul language.

The argument escalated with Vinod showering blows on Rajesh’s face injuring him badly.

Sub-Inspector Munuswamy who was nearby came and admitted Rajesh to the Government Hospital.

Based on his complaint, Vinod was taken into judicial custody.