Villagers thrash teacher for having sex in school premises

Namakkal: A 38-year-old teacher was beaten up by the people of a village near here for allegedly having sex with an anganwadi staffer in a school premises, police said on Wednesday.  The teacher, V Saravanan working in a government panchayat school in a village off Budansanthai was beaten up on Tuesday for allegedly using the educational institution to satiate his sexual cravings.

“A complaint has been lodged by the villagers against the teacher and the woman for allegedly having sex in the school toilet. There is also an allegation that the woman, an anganwadi worker ran a chit fund and cheated some people,” a senior district police official told PTI.

The teacher has filed a counter complaint seeking action against people who beat him up, he said. “We are looking into
both the complaints and appropriate action will be taken following enquiries,” he said. According to the local people, the teacher and the woman had a relationship for quite some time and they were warned against having sex in school premises and despite the warning, they allegedly did that. Also, disciplinary action was being contemplated against
both of them by authorities, the official added.