Avanti Finance partners with Association for SarvaSeva Farms

Chennai: Digital financial inclusion platform, Avanti Finance has partnered with Association for SarvaSeva Farms (ASSEFA) to provide non-collateralised loans to small farmers, micro retailers and women entrepreneurs.

A press release said, over 20,000 people from 300 villages in Madurai and Trichi will get access to credit at affordable rates in a timely manner to enhance their livelihoods. Flexibility in terms of quantum of loan, any amount between Rs 10,000-Rs 35,000 for a range of tenors, can be availed by the borrowers within age group of 18-59 years through Avanti’s digital platform.

Founder and executive director – ASSEFA, S Loganathan said, “We are glad to be associated with Avanti Finance. ASSEFA and Avanti have partnered to make credit accessible, affordable and frictionless in Tamilnadu. It can go a long way in bridging the credit gap in the area and encourage entrepreneurship.”