Sarah Jane Dias has a special message

Sarah Jane Dias is an extremely aware and sensitive individual. She has her practices firmly in place to what basics to follow to ensure that we consume less and try and avoid pollution.
She says, ‘Earth day is celebrating the restoration of our earth. I try this do whatever I can to educate myself on the importance of our natural resources. I try to recycle as much as I can. I carry a bottle with me for my fluids so I don’t have to purchase water. When I order food, I opt for no cutlery. I carry my coffee cup and cutlery to shoots or even fruits to make sure there is no wastage. I am a seafood eater, I am trying to ensure to know where my seafood is coming from. I try to support the local machiwalis who have their husbands go fishing in the morning. I am in touch with a brand that does vegan biodegradable organic skincare that plants a tree for every product that is bought. I purchase long-lasting light bulbs. I don’t use plastic bags for anything. Even if we do receive any plastic at home we try to use it at home. We give our bags to the bhajiwalas and fruit sellers. I grew up in the Middle East and there is a huge awareness in those parts of the world. I don’t let the water run when I am not using it as the shower or brushing teeth. Not keeping the phones or laptops charging all night and basic things like that.  I am not hesitant to repeat clothes at all. People who follow me on social media would know I repeat clothes all the time and if any of us is giving our old clothes we try and reuse them and get them reused as much as possible.’