Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said the strongest and biggest foundations of India-Australia relations are mutual trust and mutual respect, and the real reason behind this is the Indian diaspora.
Modi made the remarks while addressing a community event at Sydney’s Qudos Bank Arena which was attended by more than 21,000 people from across Australia. The event was also attended by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
Prime Minister Modi said that there was a time when 3Cs used to define relations between India and Australia. These three were – Commonwealth, Cricket and Curry.
“After that, it was 3Ds.. Democracy, Diaspora and Dosti! Then it became 3Es, it was all about Energy, Economy and Education. But the truth is that the actual depth of the relation between India and Australia transcends these C, D, E…” Modi said.
“The strongest and biggest foundations of this relation actually are mutual trust and mutual respect; and the real reason behind this is Indian diaspora,” he added, amid big applause and chants of Modi-Modi.