Riots declining, India going through most peaceful phase in past 50 Years: NCRB

A recent analysis of the government body National Crime Records Bureau’s (NCRB) data reveals that the country has witnessed the lowest riot rate in the last 50 years. The analysis is based on total riot cases registered from 1970 to 2021 in NCRB data. The graph indicates a sharp fall in the number of riot cases registered in the country under the nine of Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA government.

Professor Shamika Ravi, a member of the Economic Advisory Council for the Prime Minister of India, posted on twitter that the riots in the country have drastically reduced ever since PM Narendra Modi assumed power in 2014, with the total riot cases being at an all-time low in 2021. “Riots (violence) in India is on a steady decline. The country is most peaceful in 50 years,” she wrote in the Twitter post.