Together we can

India like the US is a vibrant democracy and the two nations are going to continue to work on their bilateral relationship, the White House said amid Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s State Visit. Modi is visiting the US at the invitation of President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, who will host him at a State Dinner on June 22. The visit also includes an address by the prime minister to the joint session of the US Congress on June 22. He is currently in New York. National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said: “Democracy is tough. We know that. We have seen it firsthand here in this country. It is tough, you have got to work at it.” “India has a vibrant democracy, and they, too, work at it. No democracy at any given point in time reaches perfection,” he said. The idea of democracy is that “you try to become more perfect… So we are going to continue to work on this bilateral relationship between these two vibrant, relevant, strong, and influential democracies in the world to improve the relationship”, Kirby said.