CMRL warns against door obstruction 

Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has taken a firm stance against individuals obstructing train doors during peak hours, highlighting the severe safety risks and service disruptions associated with such actions. The CMRL has emphasized that this behavior not only jeopardizes passenger safety but also violates established safety protocols. According to CMRL, obstructing train doors is not merely a nuisance but a punishable offense under Section 67 of the Operations and Maintenance Act of 2002. This offense can result in imprisonment for up to four years and a fine of up to Rs 5,000. Passengers who witness instances of door obstruction are strongly encouraged by CMRL to report these incidents promptly. They can do so by contacting the customer care helpline at 1860-425-1515. CMRL’s proactive measures aim to uphold the safety and efficiency of Chennai’s metro services, especially during peak travel hours. Safety First: The Consequences of Door Obstruction Obstructing train doors during peak hours is not only inconsiderate but also poses significant safety hazards. CMRL’s warning underscores the seriousness of this issue and its potential consequences. Here are some key points to consider: Safety Risks: Obstructing train doors can lead to passengers getting trapped or injured when doors attempt to close. This can result in accidents and delays, jeopardizing the safety of everyone on board. Service Disruptions: When doors are blocked, it can cause delays and disruptions to the metro service. This inconvenience affects not only the passengers but also the overall efficiency of the system. Legal Consequences: CMRL’s legal notice makes it clear that obstructing train doors is a punishable offense. Offenders may face imprisonment and hefty fines, underscoring the gravity of their actions. Importance of Reporting: CMRL encourages passengers to be vigilant and report instances of door obstruction. Timely reporting can help metro authorities take necessary actions to ensure the s