Asian Games: Neeraj Chopra ready to do his best despite persistent groin niggle

The year 2023 has been very challenging for India’s Olympic and World Champion javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra as he competed throughout the year with a groin injury.

But it also taught him an important lesson — how to manage injury and compete at the highest level. This year Neeraj Chopra missed a few meets but participated and won the biggest one, the World Athletics Championship in Budapest, Hungary where he won his first gold medal in World Championship.

“The year was definitely a challenging one for me as I struggled with a groin problem throughout. But I have learnt how to manage my injury, how to manage my body and how to get ready for major events. As an athlete, I have to be ready for an injury, we participate with some niggle every time. But this year I have learned that I have to be ready to face every situation, for every challenge and do my best in this situation. These are the things I have learnt this year,” Chopra told the visiting media at the Asian Games Athletics Village in Hangzhou on Saturday.