Maharashtra: Big win for Shinde faction 

In a significant development on Wednesday, Maharashtra Assembly Speaker Rahul Narwekar delivered a crucial verdict on the cross-petitions filed by different factions within the Shiv Sena, each seeking the disqualification of the other’s Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs). The ruling declared that the Shinde faction is the original Shiv Sena, asserting that Thackeray lacks the authority to oust Shinde.
Leading up to the verdict, members of the Shinde faction, including prominent figures, emphasized the importance of a decision based on merit. Shinde, confident in the strength of his group within the Shiv Sena, claimed that they command 67% of the party’s lawmakers in the assembly and an impressive 75% in the Lok Sabha.
Addressing concerns raised by some regarding potential collusion or match-fixing between Shiv Sena and the speaker, Shinde dismissed these allegations, asserting that there is no substance to such claims. He stressed the importance of the speaker delivering a judgment solely based on the merits of the case.
The dispute within the Shiv Sena, one of Maharashtra’s prominent political parties, has created a ripple effect in the state’s political landscape. The factional infighting has prompted legal actions and cross-petitions, culminating in the awaited ruling by the Maharashtra Assembly Speaker.
With the speaker’s decision declaring the Shinde faction as the original Shiv Sena, the political dynamics within the party are likely to undergo significant shifts. This ruling raises questions about the internal cohesion of the Shiv Sena and its impact on future political strategies and alliances.