Trump siding with Putin, alleges Haley

Indian-American Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Sunday slammed her main primary rival and leading GOP candidate Donald Trump for siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In an interview to ABC News, Haley said that Putin is not someone with whom Americans can be friends. “We need to remind the American people that Vladimir Putin is not our friend. Vladimir Putin is not cool. This is not someone we want to associate with. This is not someone that we want to be friends with. This is not someone that we can trust,” Haley told ABC News in an interview. “When you hear Donald Trump say in South Carolina a week ago that he would encourage Putin to invade our allies if they weren’t pulling their weight. That’s bone-chilling because all he did in that one moment was empower Putin,” she said. She said that Putin is someone who kills his political opponents. “All he did in that moment was, he sided with a guy that kills his political opponents, he sided with a thug that arrests American journalists and holds them hostage, and he sided with a guy who wanted to make a point to the Russian people, don’t challenge me in the next election or this will happen to you too,” Haley said. “We have to start waking up to what this means. That’s why the importance of making sure that Ukraine wins is clear because we have to prevent further war. Right now, Putin is feeling more emboldened than he ever has,” said the former two-term Governor from South Carolina. Haley also served as US Ambassador to the United Nations for nearly two years under the Trump Administration. Now Haley, 51, is the only one standing between Trump, 77, and him becoming the Republican nominee for the November 4th presidential elections against incumbent President Joe Biden, 81. Over the past few weeks, Haley has been highly critical of Trump alleging that he is siding with Putin. “It’s actually pretty amazing that not only after making those comments that he would encourage P