Stalin takes a dig at Modi govt

Chennai: In a scathing critique of the union government, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin accused it of impeding the development of states by depriving them of vital fund resources.

Addressing a gathering in Dharmapuri, Stalin lamented the central government’s approach, stating, “Fund resources are important for the development of a state. But the union government is creating a situation to stop oxygen required for the state’s development. The BJP is trying to destroy states and thereby destroy language, culture, and tradition.”

Stalin’s remarks come against the backdrop of his government’s relentless efforts to drive progress through various initiatives. During the event, Stalin laid the foundation for 75 new projects worth Rs 560 crore, inaugurated 993 completed projects, and distributed welfare aid to 8,736 beneficiaries across Salem, Dharmapuri, and Krishnagiri districts.

Highlighting the stark contrast between his administration and the previous AIADMK regime, Stalin asserted, “The AIADMK, which ruled for ten years, had only looted the state. Can they (AIADMK) list out the completed projects? Their only achievement is to have curtailed the Dharmapuri-Hogenakkal combined drinking water scheme taken up by DMK.”

Stalin also took a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s frequent visits to Tamil Nadu, accusing him of selective interest in the state’s affairs. He pointed out Modi’s absence during critical times, remarking, “People have realized well that the Prime Minister will show interest only for polls as he did not turn up during floods in Chennai and Thoothukudi.”

Furthermore, Stalin criticised the timing of certain government projects and policy decisions, alleging them to be mere electoral ploys. He cited the delayed implementation of works for the AIIMS in Madurai, initiated in 2019, and the sudden reduction in cylinder prices as examples of political gimmickry aimed at garnering votes.

In response to criticism labeling the DMK as a dynasty party, Stalin emphasized that his government’s governance is driven by a commitment to the welfare of all citizens. “DMK rule in Tamil Nadu is for the welfare of crores of people, who were all the party’s family,” he asserted, countering the notion of familial dominance in the party’s governance.