Will usher new era of governance: Anbumani

Anbumani Ramadoss, the president of the Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK), has declared his party’s departure from the Dravidian parties that have dominated Tamil Nadu’s political landscape for the past 57 years. Campaigning in Cuddalore for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, Ramadoss asserted PMK’s commitment to ushering in a new era of governance and advocating for the interests of its constituents.

Ramadoss emphasized PMK’s pivotal role in elevating the Dravidian majors to power, claiming credit for their ascension to the Chief Minister’s office. He cited PMK’s longstanding demands, including 10.5% internal reservation for Vanniyars, caste census, total prohibition, construction of check dams, and ensuring remunerative prices for farmers, as evidence of the party’s proactive approach to governance.

Responding to criticism from AIADMK general secretary Edapapdi K. Palaniswami regarding PMK’s departure from the alliance following the introduction of Vanniyar reservation, Ramadoss vehemently defended the party’s decision, asserting its independence and commitment to its founding principles. He emphasized PMK’s objective of establishing its own rule in the state and dispelled notions of subservience to any particular party.

Ramadoss also highlighted the pressing issue of power generation in Tamil Nadu, emphasizing the need to bridge the gap between demand and supply. He criticized NLC India Ltd for its limited power supply to the state and accused the company of destroying vast swathes of land under the guise of development. Ramadoss reiterated PMK’s decades-long fight against NLCIL and its dedication to safeguarding the interests of Tamil Nadu’s residents.