Rahul’s ‘not Hindus’ dig at BJP draws protests

Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi took a swipe at the ruling BJP in the Lok Sabha on Monday, saying those who call themselves Hindus are engaged in “violence and hate” round the clock, drawing massive protests from the members of the treasury benches with Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserting that calling the entire Hindu society violent is a serious matter.

Rahul Gandhi, however, retorted that he was speaking about the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The BJP, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) or Modi are not the entire Hindu society, he added.

The Congress leader also showed a picture of Lord Shiva and said his message is about fearlessness and non-violence. He also cited the teachings of other religions to make a similar point.

However, his dig at the BJP that it does not represent all Hindus and jab at the ruling party by citing the essence of different religions had the members of the treasury benches on their feet.

Home Minister Amit Shah sought Gandhi’s apology to the House and the country for hurting the feelings of crores of people who take pride in identifying themselves as Hindus.

Shah spoke of the Emergency and 1984 anti-Sikhs riots to hit back at Gandhi, saying he has no right to talk about non-violence when the Congress had spread “terror” in the country.

Rahul Gandhi further emphasised that all religions talk about courage, citing Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism to underline the importance of fearlessness.